Monday, March 5, 2007

In the Beginning

Monday blues... so here we are, entering our first blog entry. We don't really know where to start so we'll begin by introducing the project we've decided on.

Project Rice. As the the name suggests, our project is all about rice in Southeast Asia (SEA)! It might sound boring on the surface, but there are many facets and issues pertaining to rice in Southeast Asia that the average Southeast Asian would not give a second thought to. In this blog we'll bring you on a journey to explore rice in its different roles and multi-dimensional meanings to various people in the region.

Along the way, you'll be able to witness first-hand experiences through the process of exploring the concepts of rice and how it has given SEA its unique and distinct identity from the rest of the world. Above that, you'll also hear our 2 cents worth on what rice means to us. =)

Ok. Just to give you a feel of what is to come, we'll list out the various meanings of rice that we'll explore!

1) Rice and its heritage.

2) Rice as a staple food in SEA.

Different types of rice in Southeast Asia, the difference in rice between countries and the importance of rice to us!!

3) Rice and Food. Food and Rice.
to explore the relationship between countries in the region which are connected through recipes, food culture and meanwhile discover the unique identity of SEA.
(Perhaps we're all not so different after all!)

4) Rice in its roles - Agriculture, Religion, Culture and Tradition.
this will encompass the agricultural, or religious rites and superstitions involving rice. Rice is a form of traditional art? And the conflicts that arise from issues pertaining to rice.

5) $$P-RICE$$ - It is not all about food.
this will explore the economic significance of rice to nations and how politics, commercialization and globalization affects the rice trade and its traders.

Of course, this is just a rough guide to what is to come. There will be many more interesting ideas and facts about rice that will amaze you! Enjoy this journey!

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